Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire completion is a key component of the RadComp Trial. The QOLs ask about a participant’s physical, emotional, and social well-being before and after treatment. Participants are asked to complete QOLs at baseline, end of treatment, 1 month, 6 months, 12 months post-treatment and annually thereafter. QOL forms can be completed on paper, over the phone, or online via VisionTree (VTOC.)
VTOC is an excellent option for QOL completion and is strongly recommended. Participants will receive email reminders from the VTOC system when their QOLs are due and throughout their open time point window. Participants have the ability to complete the QOLs at their convenience and can start and stop at any time. The utilization of VTOC also reduces the burden on study staff. QOLs completed on VTOC are automatically pushed over to Rave so CRCs are not required to enter the data.
Below are a few reminders about VTOC:
- Participants can opt-in to use VTOC at any time. If a participant would like to use VTOC after registration:
- A VTOC consent form must be emailed to the participant, signed, and returned to the enrolling site.
- The eligibility checklist in Rave must be updated to reflect the participant’s decision to use VTOC.
- Active windows for VTOC QOLs are set to capture participants receiving 4-7 weeks of treatment; a standard window is applied to all participants regardless of the number of weeks a participant receives treatment.
- Make sure the template start date in VTOC is the same as the participant’s start date for those receiving 4-5 weeks of treatment.
- The template start date should be set to 1-2 weeks after the participant’s start date for those receiving 6-7 weeks of treatment.
- Completion windows can be reset by selecting each individual QOL for a particular time point from the patient’s dashboard and changing the “active from” and “active to” date. Instructions are attached.
- Baseline QOLs are the only questionnaires that must be completed on paper and must be completed prior to registration.
For questions about VTOC, please contact Ashley Feriozzi
(Ashley.feriozzi@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) or VTOC support (vtsupport@visiontree.com).