In This Issue
- Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:
- Importance of Diversity in Clinical Trials
- Thanks to Dr. Kesslering of Northwestern Medicine
- Advocacy Events & Resources
- Publications
In This Issue
- July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month:
- The Importance of Mental Health Care When Coping with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Completing Your Quality of Life Participant Questionnaires
- Johns Hopkins Life and Legacy
- Advocacy Events & Resources
- Publications
In This Issue
- Special Patient Advocate Edition:
- The Patient Voice and RadComp Advisors
- Spotlight on Patient Costs
- A Note From Sharon Sanches, Survivor & Advocate
- Advocacy Events & Resources
- Publications
In This Issue
- Participant Information Protection in RadComp
- Sidney Kimmel’s Contribution to Cancer Research
- Breast Cancer Advocacy Events & Resources
- New publication