newsletter - April 2020

April 2020 Newsletter

In this Issue

  • COVID-19 Update
  • Janet Shares her RadComp Journey
  • RadComp Panel on Participant Diversity
  • Arin Hanson of Living Beyond Breast Cancer
  • Breast Cancer Community Event Calendar
  • Welcome to Georgetown Univ.
  • Study Updates
newsletter - April 2019

April 2019 Newsletter

In this Issue

  • RadComp Sample Size Change
  • Spotlight on Peter Chen, PI William Beaumont
  • Introducing Kevin Stein Cancer Support Community
  • Advocacy Partners Calendar of Events
  • NRG Semi-Annual Meeting
  • National Breast Cancer Coalition’s 2019 Advocacy Summit
  • Congratulations Mayo Rochester!
  • Study Updates
  • Calendar
newsletter - October 2018

October 2018 Newsletter

In this Issue

  • Survivor Story, SAC Member Cynthia Chauhan
  • Join RadComp Social Media
  • The Pink-Fund Non-profit Offers Financial Relief for Breast Cancer Patients
  • Finding the Advocacy Support You Need
  • LBBC Upcoming Events
  • Publications
  • Study Update
  • Calendar
newsletter - July 2018

July 2018 Newsletter

In this Issue

  • Kim Wright – A Survivor Story – Video
  • Introducing Lior Braunstein – Memorial Sloan Kettering
  • RadComp Quality of Life Questionnaires
  • RadComp Hablo Espanol
  • Publications
  • Living Beyond Breast Cancer 2018 Conference
  • Study Update
  • Calendar